And right here is his eleventh technology cousin Ralph Lincoln:
Here is President Thomas Jefferson:
And right here is Jefferson’s sixth great-grandson, Shannon LaNier:
Here is President Theodore Roosevelt:
And right here is his great-grandson Tweed Roosevelt:
Here is President James A. Garfield:
And right here is his great-grandson Richard Garfield:
Here is President Grover Cleveland:
And right here is his grandson George Cleveland:
Here is President Harry S. Truman:
And right here is his nephew Clifton Truman Daniel:
Here is President Lyndon B. Johnson:
And right here is his daughter Lynda Johnson Robb:
Here is President Richard Nixon:
And right here is his nephew Christopher Nixon Cox:
Here is President James Monroe:
And right here is the fifth technology grandson Richard Emory Gatchell:
Here is President Dwight Eisenhower:
And right here is his granddaughter Mary Jean Eisenhower:
Here is President John F. Kennedy:
And right here is his daughter Caroline Kennedy:
Here is President James K. Polk:
And right here is his distant relative:
Here is President Calvin Coolidge:
Here is President Ronald Reagan:
And right here is his son Ron Reagan:
Here is President Herbert Hoover:
And right here is his great-granddaughter Margaret Hoover:
Here is President Ulysses S. Grant:
And right here is his great-grandson Ulysses Grant Dietz: